Rights of foreigners
- Staying less than 3 months
- Staying more than 3 months
- I want to formalize a new temporary residence permit
- Changing Employer
- I want to live in the Republic of Lithuania permanently
- I want to report a lost document
- I want to get asylum in the LR
- I want to get a travel document
- I want to become a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania
- I want to become an electronic resident
- I want to submit a mediation letter (invitation)
- I want to report of the changes of details
- Obligations of foreigners
- Rights of foreigners
Rights of foreigners
Right to equality
Foreigners in the Republic of Lithuania shall be equal before the law, irrespective of their sex, race, citizenship, language, origin, social status, religion, convictions or views.
Freedom of movement
- Citizens of the European Union Member States, their family members who are not citizens of a Member State of the European Union, may enter the Republic of Lithuania together with a citizen of a Member State of the European Union or arrived to him, and stay in it for up to 3 months from the date of the first entry into the Republic of Lithuania.
- An foreigner subject to the visa-free regime, you have the right to enter and stay without a visa in the Republic of Lithuania, but his/her stay in the Republic of Lithuania and other Schengen States may not exceed 90 days in 180-day period; having a valid Schengen visa you can enter the Republic of Lithuania and stay in the Republic of Lithuania for a period specified in the visa, but his/her stay in the Republic of Lithuania and other Schengen States may not exceed 90 days in 180-day period. who is not a citizen of a Member State of the European Union but have a European Union residence card issued by one of the Member States of the European Union, may enter the Republic of Lithuania and stay in the Republic of Lithuania without a visa for a period not exceeding 90 days within 180 days; who has a residence permit or national visa issued by another Schengen State, you have the right to enter and stay without a visa in the Republic of Lithuania during the period of validity of the residence permit or national visa, but whose stay in the Republic of Lithuania and other Schengen states may not exceed 90 days in 180 days.
The possession of a visa shall not automatically entitle to enter the Republic of Lithuania.
- An foreigner who has a valid temporary residence permit issued by another European Union Member State as transferred within the company has the right to enter and stay in the Republic of Lithuania without a visa for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period as well as to work in the host company established in the Republic of Lithuania. In the event that an foreigner has a temporary residence permit issued by another European Union Member State, which is not a Schengen State, as transferred within the company, the host company established in the Republic of Lithuania must have notified in writing the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Migration Department) on the intra-corporate transfer of this foreigner, including the movement between host companies in other Member States of the European Union, and the address (es) of the head office (s) of the host company (ies).
- An foreigner who holds a valid temporary residence permit or a national visa issued by another Member State of the European Union for study purposes and you are covered by a programme funded by the European Union or its Member States that promotes the mobility of third-country nationals within the European Union or an agreement between two or more higher educational institutions, may come to continue out of your studies and stay in the Republic of Lithuania without a visa for a maximum of 360 days.
- An foreigner who holds a valid temporary residence permit or national visa issued by another Member State of the European Union for the purpose of carrying out research and experimental development work, may enter and stay in the Republic of Lithuania without a visa for up to 180 days within a 360-day period to carry out part of your research and experimental development work in a science and study institution.
- Family members, holding a valid temporary residence permit or a national visa issued by another Member State of the European Union, of a foreigner who holds a valid temporary residence permit or a national visa issued by another Member State of the European Union for the purpose of carrying out research and experimental development work have the right to enter the Republic of Lithuania and to stay in the Republic of Lithuania for the same period as a foreigner.
- Civilian crew members of ships arriving at seaports of the Republic of Lithuania who have seafarer’s identity documents issued in accordance with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation – Convention Nr. 108 dated 13 May 1958 concerning Seafarers” National Identity Documents, or Convention Nr. 185 dated 16 June 2003 on national seafarers” certificates, (as amended) – or Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic of 9 April 1965, also civilian seafarers arriving on the vessel during the validity of the visa, and are included in the crew list, and who have seafarer’s identity documents indicated in this part, are permitted to land without a visa ashore in the Republic of Lithuania and stay in the territory of the municipality to which the ship enters, as long as the ship is in port, but not more than for six months.
Right to stay in the Republic of Lithuania
The right to stay in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania is acquired by:
- unaccompanied minor foreigners (unaccompanied minor foreigner – a minor foreigner who arrived in the Republic of Lithuania without parents or other legal representatives or who, upon coming to the Republic of Lithuania, remained without them until these persons began to take care of him/her effectively);
- asylum seekers other than those at border check posts or in transit zones.
Right to get employment in the Republic of Lithuania
An foreigner has the right to get employment in the Republic of Lithuania.
Right to reside in the Republic of Lithuania
The residence permit entitles the foreigner to reside in the Republic of Lithuania, to choose his/her place of residence in the Republic of Lithuania, to change it, to leave the Republic of Lithuania and to return to it during the period of validity of the residence permit.
Right to emergency medical care
Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other states and stateless persons permanently residing in Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as permanent residents) have the right to receive state-guaranteed (free) personal health care. Emergency medical aid in the institutions of the Lithuanian National Health System (hereinafter referred to as the LNHS) is provided free of charge to all permanent residents, regardless of whether they are covered by compulsory health insurance or regardless of the number of patient’s visits to the institution during the calendar year and their place of residence. LNHS institutions provide necessary medical aid to foreign citizens, stateless persons, not classified as permanent residents, in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania.
For information on health insurance types, compulsory health insurance system, go to: https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.94F6B680E8B8/EckmqUltGn
Right to appeal decisions before a court
Appeals against the decisions of the Migration Department on the legal status of foreigners in the Republic of Lithuania may be brought to the relevant regional administrative court within 14 days from the date of service of such decisions on foreigners.
Appeals against a decision not to grant asylum, adopted after the examination of an application for asylum in essence as a matter of urgency, and against decisions taken pursuant to part 2 of article 77 of the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens of the Republic of Lithuania, may be brought by asylum seekers to the relevant regional administrative court within 7 days of service of the decision.
Rights of unaccompanied minors
Unaccompanied minor foreigners (unaccompanied minor foreigner – a minor foreigner who arrived in the Republic of Lithuania without parents or other legal representatives or who, upon coming to the Republic of Lithuania, remained without them until these persons began to take care of him/her effectively), irrespective of the lawfulness of their stay in the Republic of Lithuania, have the following rights:
- to be provided with free accommodation and be supported in the manner established by the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania;
- to study according to the general education or vocational training programme (programmes) according to the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science;
- to be provided with free basic medical aid in the manner prescribed by the Minister of Health;
- to be provided with free social services in the manner prescribed by the Minister of Social Security and Labour;
- to receive State-guaranteed legal aid unless the laws of the Republic of Lithuania provide otherwise;
- to contact the representatives of non-governmental or international organisations of the Republic of Lithuania.
Teisė pateikti prašymą leisti savanoriškai grįžti į užsienio valstybę
Užsienietis, kuris neteisėtai atvyko į Lietuvos Respubliką ir neteisėtai joje yra, turi galimybę pateikti prašymą leisti savanoriškai grįžti į užsienio valstybę, t. y., pateikus tokį prašymą jis gali būti ne išsiųstas, o grąžintas.