Information for the citizens of the United Kingdom and their family members on the right of residence under the Withdrawal Agreement

Citizens of the United Kingdom and their family members who have acquired the right of residence in the Republic of Lithuania before 31 December, 2020 will be subject to the same provisions as citizens of the European Union and their family members. Documents of the United Kingdom citizens and their family members certifying the right of residence in the Republic of Lithuania shall remain valid until their expiry, but such documents will not allow exercising the right of free movement of persons within the Schengen area.

If who have acquired the right of residence in Lithuania as EU citizen and intend to continue residing in Lithuania, you are advised to contact the Migration Department after 31 December, 2020 for issue of a residence permit. Your family members, who are not EU citizens, have to apply for new residence status within 3 months after the end of transition period.

Download information on obtaining a residence permit after Brexit under the Withdrawal Agreement

UK - temporary residence permit

UK - permanent residence permit

Information for the nationals of the United Kingdom and their family members residing in Lithuania having the right to reside in Lithuania under the Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (Withdrawal Agreement), i.e. who have acquired the right to reside in Lithuania before 31 December 2020, on the Entry/Exit System (EES)

My family members and I have obtained the right of permanent residence in Lithuania before 31 December 2020

I have obtained a residence permit in Lithuania until 31 December 2020, I have lived in Lithuania continuously for 5 years and longer and I want to change my temporary residence to a permanent residence permit

I have obtained the right of residence in Lithuania before 31 December 2020, but my family members are planning to join me in Lithuania after 31 December 2020

I am planning to move to Lithuania and settle there after 31 December 2020.

Brexit (updated 10/11/2020)