I improve my qualification
I improve my qualification
I am invited to improve my qualifications to a science and study institution. How do I get a temporary residence permit?
First of all, you must electronically via the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) fill-out the request to issue or change the residence permit and include digital copies of the documents being added to this request. After filling-out the request and booking the visitation time via ‘MIGRIS’, within 4 months from the day of submitting the request via ‘MIGRIS’ you must personally address in regards to the issuance (changing) of the temporary residence permit and submit biometric data, and original documents. These documents shall be added to the request:
List of documents (to issue) | |
List of documents (to renew) |
- Valid travel document;
Documents affirming the issuance (changing) of the temporary residence permit:
- Number of the facilitation letter submitted by the receiving (inviting) Lithuanian institution of science and studies via the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) (shall be indicated when filling-out the request regarding temporary residence permit via ‘MIGRIS’);
- Documents confirming that you have been invited to improve your qualifications;
- The document about sufficient subsistence funds; The value of subsistence funds shall be 0.5 minimum wage per month. This can be the bank certificate.
- An undertaking (confirmation) that you will declare your place of residence in a dwelling with a living area of at least 7 square metres for each adult declaring his/her residence (to be ticked when completing the application via MIGRIS);
- Certificate regarding conviction/non-conviction;
It shall be needed only when you are for the first time addressing in regards to the residence permit. These are the certificates issued by the competent institutions of foreign countries, wherein you lived prior to entering the Republic of Lithuania or have been living for the past 2 years (save for those cases when you were living in the foreign country less than 6 months within 12 months period) affirming that you were/were not convicted therein. The translated in to Lithuanian language, as well as legalized and/or certified (Apostille), when this is needed, certificates must be issued no sooner than 6 months prior to the day of submitting the application regarding the residence permit. If you were convicted, the certificate must indicate when and for which criminal activity you were convicted, what was the sentence awarded and has it been carried-out;
The certificate stating that you were not convicted may be submitted in English or a certified-by-the-interpreter’s-signature translation to English from a different language may be submitted.
7. Document regarding health insurance.
Health insurance must conform to such requirements:
- The insurance must guarantee the payment of emergency medical care services, as they are defined in the Law of Health Care System of the Republic of Lithuania, and expenses that could emerge due to the alien’s return to the foreign country for health-related reasons (transportation, including, the accompanying of health care specialist(s)); and
- The insurance must be valid for the whole duration of the requested temporary residence permit or for at least one year.
You do not need health insurance, if compulsory health insurance contributions will be paid for you.
You may submit the health insurance at your own choosing:
- By filling-out the request via ‘MIGRIS’;
- Upon arriving at the booked visitation time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data.
You must pay the public fees:
- For the acceptance, review of the request to issue/change the temporary residence permit, adoptions of decisions and issuance of the temporary residence permit;
- Based on the general procedure - 160.00 EUR;
- Based on the urgent procedure - 320.00 EUR.
For obtaining of a temporary residence permit you are requested:
- to arrive within your pre-booked timeslot at a relevant territorial office of the Migration Department; or
- you able to apply for a temporary residence permit through an external service provider when you are absent from Lithuania.
For renewal of a temporary residence permit you are requested:
- to arrive within your pre-booked timeslot at a relevant territorial office of the Migration Department.
The decisions regarding temporary residence permits are accepted and temporary residence permits issued:
- Regarding the issuance of permit:
- Based on the general procedure - within 3 months;
- Based on the urgent procedure - within 45 calendar days;
- Regarding the changing of permit:
- Based on the general procedure - within 2 months;
- Based on the urgent procedure - within 1 month.
- Upon arriving to the Migration Department at the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;
- If a national visa, which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national visas, the total validity period of them is 1 year, was/were issued for you and you intend to submit a request regarding the issuance of temporary residence permit, then in order to be able to stay in Lithuania for the duration of the review of request you should submit this request upfront – 1,5-3 months until the end of the validity period of the national visa.
How can I declare place of residence in the Republic of Lithuania?
If you are applying for a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania, you can declare your place of residence as you choose:
- through the Migration Department, at the time of the reserved visit, by presenting the original documents and biometric data attached to the application for a residence permit;
- at the municipality or municipality within 1 month of collecting the residence permit.
When completing the application for a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania via the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS), you must indicate whether you wish to declare your place of residence via the Migration Department and confirm that you undertake to declare your place of residence in a suitable accommodation, where necessary.
If you did not confirm when completing the application for a residence permit that you undertake to declare your residence in a suitable accommodation, where necessary, you can add the form of Form of Undertaking In Regards to the Declaration of Place of Residence to the "Comments" section of the documents attached to the application.
If you choose to declare your place of residence through the Migration Department when applying for a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania:
- The declaration of residence data must be provided when completing your application, and you do not need to complete a separate declaration of residence.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the residence permit via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents affirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania, consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate the identification code given to the power of attorney to the employee of the Migration Department.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Centre of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the temporary residence permit, one of the aforementioned documents may be added to the column “Document Regarding the Suitable Dwelling in the Republic of Lithuania” (lith. Dokumentas dėl tinkamos gyvenamosios patalpos Lietuvos Respublikoje).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Centre of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the residence permit:
After withdrawing the residence permit at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the document, you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence in accordance to the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Centre of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Centre of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.
When do I have to apply for the renewal of a temporary residence permit?
An application for the renewal of a temporary residence permit with the accompanying documents must be submitted at least 1 workday before the expiry of the temporary residence permit, but not earlier than 6 months in advance.
For how long will I get a temporary residence permit?
A temporary residence permit will be issued or renewed for the duration of your qualifications development but for a period not exceeding 1 years.