338 Results for visas

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I have the right to reinstate the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am a person of Lithuanian descent

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

LNG Long-term residence

document granting or confirming the right to reside in Lithuania or a national visa Lietuvoje gyvena mano tėvai, kurie yra Lietuvos piliečiai

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national... My parents who are of old age and have a permit for permanent residence in Lithuania, live in Lithuania

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national... Lietuvoje gyvena mano vaikas, kuris yra Lietuvos pilietis.

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I run joint government programmes with foreign countries

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I'm a performer

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

2.4 Turiu ES piliečio šeimos nario leidimo laikinai gyventi šalyje kortelę ir gyvenimo Lietuvoje laikotarpiu man gimė vaikas.

confirming the child legal stay in the Republic of Lithuania (if not subject to visa-free...(e.g., a visa, a residence permit issued in another EU...

Visa applications to be accepted also in Šiauliai and Panevėžys

Migration Department is increasing the number of locations for accepting applications for a national visa or extension of a Schengen visa.

I'm a journalist

in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li style="text-align: justify;">If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national visas,...

I am a guardian (carer) of a Lithuanian citizen

in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li style="text-align: justify;">If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national visas,...

2018 m. sausio 12 d. Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra ir Migracijos departamentas pasirašė sutartį dėl projekto „Elektroninių migracijos paslaugų kūrimas“ įgyvendinimo

Migracijos departamentas kartu su Policijos departamentu, Asmens dokumentų išrašymo centru, Informatikos ir ryšių departamentu, Užsienio reikalų ministerija, VĮ Registrų centru, Lietuvos darbo...

Vizos Šeima

United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, who obtains a national visa

Summary of obligations of foreigners

text-align: center;" width="104"><p style="text-align: left;">Foreigners holding a visa...text-align: center;" width="104"><p style="text-align: left;">Foreigners subject...

Migracijos departamentas prašo atidumo teikiant dokumentus

Migracijos departamentas kviečia klientus atsakingiau naudotis Lietuvos migracijos informacine sistema ir atidžiai užpildyti MIGRIS paskyros duomenis bei MIGRIS prašymus, kad prašymo pateikimo...

I'm going to perform religious activities

in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li style="text-align: justify;">If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national visas,...