379 Results for visas

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5.5 Noriu pateikti tarpininkavimo raštą nacionalinei vizai gauti

the mediation letter a number, which the foreigner must provide to the Lithuanian Visa...Authority when applying for a multiple-entry national...

Lietuvos Respublikoje ketinu apsigyventi po 2020 m. gruodžio 31 d.

Will I need visa to travel to Lithuania after 31 December 2020? No....For more information on issue of national visa, please click here....on...


agreement or arrive to implement government programmes, you can get a national visa...If you hold a valid temporary residence permit or national...

5. Noriu pateikti tarpininkavimo raštą(kvietimą)

legal entity you can submit a mediation letter (invitation) to obtain a Schengen visa...supported during his stay in the Republic of Lithuania while holding a Schengen...

Can I bring family members?

Union, your family members holding a valid temporary residence permit or national visa...</li><li>If you have a valid national visa or have applied...

DUK geras

How can I submit an application for a visa?...Can I extend the validity of my Schengen visa?...Can I extend my visa-free...

DUK geras

How can I submit an application for a visa?...Can I extend the validity of my Schengen visa?...Can I extend my visa-free...

Can I bring family members?

</p><p>If you have a valid national visa or have applied for the issuance of a national...visa, national visas for the...

The new Description of the National Visa Issuance Procedure came into force

By the order of the Minister of the Interior, Agnė Bilotaitė, the new Description of the National Visa Issuance Procedure, which entered into force on 01 July, was approved. According to this piece...


Other Other cases where you can obtain a national visa are described here, if you...Remember: national visa may not be issued for more than one...

Legal activity

You can also obtain a national visa if you are a participant or a manager of a company...established no earlier than one year before the date of application for a national...

I want to come according to the student exchange programme. What should I do?

text-align: justify;">If you hold a valid temporary residence permit or national visa...studies and stay in the Republic of Lithuania for a maximum of 360 days without a...


If your spouse intends to travel to the Republic of Lithuania with a national visa..., you may obtain a national visa for the same period in the...

Інформація для громадян України та членів їхніх сімей

Департамент міграції Литовської Республіки повідомляє, що громадяни України, які мають біометричні паспорти і у яких закінчується термін дії національних віз або дозволів на тимчасове проживання в...

Liability of foreigners under the provisions of the Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners of the Republic of Lithuania

<ul> <li>the foreigner’s visa is annulled;</li> <li>the foreigner’s temporary residence...> <li>the foreigner stays in the Republic of Lithuania after the expiry of his...

How do I get or renew a temporary residence permit?

temporary residence permit issued by another member state of the EU or national visa...the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national...

I want to work in Lithuania under an employment contract. How do I get a temporary residence permit?

Department at the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful; If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

How do I get a Blue Card?

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am invited to teach at a university or college under an employment contract. How do I get a permit or renew my temporary residence permit?

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...