402 Results for visas

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Visas Can I extend the validity of my Schengen visa?...Can I extend my visa-free period? No, you cannot....How can I apply...

National visa fee is changing

department informs that the state fee for decision-making and issuance of national visa

I want to get a visa

I want to get a visa <p>You can get a national visa and come with a family member...who is applying for a national visa,...

Schengen visa – and for the submission of application for a residence permit

Since 1 September 2019, foreigners may apply for a temporary residence permit only after entering the Republic of Lithuania, except for a foreigner who is of Lithuanian descent or has the right to...

on the protection of personal data in the Schengen Information System and in the Visa

on the protection of personal data in the Schengen Information System and in the Visa

I want to submit a mediation letter (invitation) for a Schengen visa

legal entity you can submit a mediation letter (invitation) to obtain a Schengen visa...supported during his stay in the Republic of Lithuania while holding a Schengen...

I want to submit a mediation letter (invitation) for a Schengen visa

legal entity you can submit a mediation letter (invitation) to obtain a Schengen visa...supported during his stay in the Republic of Lithuania while holding a Schengen...

I can't leave unexpectedly but my visa is about to expire. What to do?

<p>You can apply for a national visa if the maximum time of stay with a Schengen...visa or visa-free stay has been used...

What documents do I have to submit for a national visa?

<p>You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania under the terms of an international...your previous visa or the total validity period of...

What documents do I have to submit for a national visa?

<p>You can apply for a national visa if you come to the Republic of Lithuania for...your previous visa or the total validity period of all...

temporary residence permit and how can I find out, if a decision regarding national visa

temporary residence permit and how can I find out, if a decision regarding national visa...Where can I find out, if the decision regarding a national...

Collection of documents and visas issued to foreigners - only by preliminary appointments

residence certificates, residence cards for family members of EU citizens, also visas...appointments (customers queueing up for collection of the aforementioned documents...

The procedure for issuing national visas is being changed – this will be taken care

into effect on 1 July, foreigners who are not in Lithuania will apply for national visas

Five-year framework for obtaining a permit for temporary residence in the Republic of Lithuania

The Migration Department hereby explains what constitutes a five-year period lived in the Republic of Lithuania in order to obtain a permanent residence permit: an alien may be granted a permanent...

Ukrainian citizens will have to pay for the issuance of a visa

Lithuania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on fees for long-term (national) visas

Changes introduced in state fee rules applicable for citizens of Belarus

has entered into force foreseeing the possibility to issue Lithuanian national visas

1.9. Jei keičiasi asmens einamos pareigo

Prašyme nurodoma: vardas (-ai), pavardė (-ės), naujų pareigų visas pavadinimas lietuvių

1 proc. žmonijos yra netekę namų: UNHCR ataskaita dėl pasaulinių tendencijų

ungtinių Tautų pabėgėlių agentūra (UNHCR), šiandien kreipiasi į visas pasaulio

I have been living in Lithuania without interruption for the last 5 years and I had a temporary residence permit

document granting or confirming the right to reside in Lithuania or with a national visa...Lithuania without interruption for 5 years with a residence permit or national...

Staying less than three months

regime if you are subject to the visa-free regime; with a valid Schengen visa if...How do I get a Schengen...

I want to come according to the student exchange programme. What should I do?

and taking decisions to issue a national visa....national visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your previous visa...

I'm going to a ship flying the flag of the Republic of Lithuania or I am a crew member of a ship that is being repaired in Lithuania. What should I do?

You can get a national visa if you are seafarer and: • going to a ship flying...have been issued with a national visa for 1 year or several...

Esu komandiruojamas darbui į Lietuvą

I am seconded to work in Lithuania You can get a national visa if you are an employee...have been issued with a national visa for 1 year or several...

I am the manager of the company or a shareholder of UAB or AB with at least 1/3 of the authorised capital of the company. What document can I get and how can I do it?

You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to engage in legal activities...issued with a national visa for 1 year or several national...

Can I come to perform research at a science and study institution registered in Lithuania under a copyright agreement?

<p>You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to under a copyright agreement...visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your previous...

Can I come to teach under a copyright agreement?

<p>You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to under a copyright agreement...national visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your...

I arrive to implement government programmes. What should I do?

<p>You can get a national visa if you arrive to Lithuania to implement government...visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your previous...

I arrive to implement government programmes. What should I do?

<p>You can get a national visa if you arrive to Lithuania to implement government...national visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your...

I want to come as an athlete, participating in a high mastery sport or coaching. What should I do?

<p>You can <strong>get a national multiple-entry visa....VISA services has right to require submiting this document)....period of all...

I am an accredited journalist with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. What document can I get?

<p>You can get a national multiple-entry visa....</p> <p>For the issue of a national visa, you must apply to:</p> <ul> <li>the...period of all...

Freedom of movement

</li><li>An foreigner subject to the visa-free regime, you have the right to enter...Schengen States may not exceed 90 days in 180-day period; having a valid Schengen...