380 Results for visas

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I am the manager of the company or a shareholder of UAB or AB with at least 1/3 of the authorised capital of the company. What document can I get and how can I do it?

You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to engage in legal activities...issued with a national visa for 1 year or several national...

Can I come to perform research at a science and study institution registered in Lithuania under a copyright agreement?

<p>You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to under a copyright agreement...visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your previous...

Can I come to teach under a copyright agreement?

<p>You can get a national visa if you come to Lithuania to under a copyright agreement...national visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your...

I arrive to implement government programmes. What should I do?

<p>You can get a national visa if you arrive to Lithuania to implement government...visa if more than 180 days had elapsed from your previous...