380 Results for visas

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How do I get or renew a temporary residence permit?

temporary residence permit issued by another member state of the EU or national visa...the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national...

I want to work in Lithuania under an employment contract. How do I get a temporary residence permit?

Department at the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful; If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

How do I get a Blue Card?

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am invited to teach at a university or college under an employment contract. How do I get a permit or renew my temporary residence permit?

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...