334 Results for visas

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I am the manager of a company registered in the Republic of Lithuania and I intend to work in this company

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am a participant in volunteering programmes recognised by the European Union or its Member States

in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li style="text-align: justify;">If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national visas,...

I am a participant of a company registered in the Republic of Lithuania who has invested at least 260 000 EUR in the company's equity (assets), and a manager or shareholder

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am the head of a company registered in the Republic of Lithuania the equity (asset) value where of is at least 500,000 EUR and I intend to work for this company

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

I am a participant and manager or shareholder in a company registered in the Republic of Lithuania

the booked time, your presence in Lithuania must be lawful;</li><li>If a national visa..., which is valid for 1 year, or a couple of national...

Migracijos departamentas pasirašė prieglobsčio prašytojų alternatyvaus apgyvendinimo sutartį

Prieglobsčio prašytojų alternatyvaus apgyvendinimo paslaugas teiks Prienų rajono Jiezno paramos šeimai centras. Migracijos departamento susitarimas su minėtu centru pasirašytas šių metų sausio 12...

Palydint 2021-uosius

2021-uosius metus užgožė beprecedentis migrantų antplūdis ir visus rekordus atkurtoje Lietuvos Respublikoje viršijantis prieglobsčio prašymų skaičius. Džiaugiamės, kad Migracijos departamentui,...