I want to get a permanent residence certificate
- I want to get a temporary residence certificate
- I want to receive a temporary residence card for a family member of an EU citizen
- I want to get a permanent residence certificate
- I want to receive a permanent residence card for a family member of an EU citizen
- I want to report a lost document
- I want to become a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania
- I want to become an electronic resident
- I want to submit a mediation letter
I want to get a permanent residence certificate
If you are an EU citizen and have been residing in the Republic of Lithuania for the last 5 years or less, or if you have come to live in the Republic of Lithuania for more than 3 months in half a year, you may be issued a certificate confirming your right to permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.
I am a citizen of an EU Member State and have been legally residing in Lithuania for the last 5 years or less than 5 years
You have been legally resident in the Republic of Lithuania in the last 5 years or in certain cases for less than 5 years, and acquire the right for permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.
You must obtain a certificate of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania and declare your place of residence if you have not declared it.
You have to submit your application and documents for the issue of the certificate in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
An application of the EU citizen staying in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch himself due to a physical disability, may be filled in and submitted by his authorised person upon submission of the power of attorney notarised or certified in the equivalent form, and his or her identity document.
The identity and signature of an EU citizen situated in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch due to incapacity or physical disability must be certified and his/her biometric data must be read by an authorised public servant or employee of the department working according to the employment contract, upon arrival to the EU citizen.
Application of a legally incapable EU citizen is completed and filed by his/her guardian (custodian) or another legal representative upon submitting the document certifying appointment as a guardian (custodian) or other document certifying legal representation and his/her identity document.
You must submit:
- valid travel document;
- if you have not had a certificate of temporary residence in Lithuania for the last 5 years – documents confirming that you have been living in the Republic of Lithuania for the last 5 years (you worked, lived for your funds, studied); or
- if you have been living in Lithuania for less than 5 years:
- your employment contract or other documents proving your legal activity in the Republic of Lithuania and documents confirming that you have reached the age of retirement pension established by the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions of the Republic of Lithuania and have acquired the right to receive the state social insurance old-age pension or state social assistance pension, you have terminated the employment contract (employment contract expired) or self-employment activity; or
- a employment contract or other documents proving the former legal activity in the Republic of Lithuania for at least 2 years, and documents confirming that you have been recognised as incapacitated or have partial working capacity and that you have terminated the employment contract (it was terminated) or self-employment activity; or
- employment contract or other documents proving lawful activity in the Republic of Lithuania for 3 years without interruption (if you have terminated the employment contract during this period (it was terminated) or self-employment activity for circumstances beyond your control, and you have registered in the local labour exchange according to the specified procedure as unemployed, or you have not worked or terminated the employment contract (it was terminated) due to illness or accident – the documents confirming these circumstances), and employment contract or other documents confirming that you are pursuing activities in another Member State of the European Union, but you retain your residence in the Republic of Lithuania and usually return to it at least once a week; or
- documents confirming that you have lived in the Republic of Lithuania for 3 years without interruption, you had a paid e job in the Republic of Lithuania and have exercised your right to advance pension.
If you have come as a family member of an EU citizen, an EU citizen to whom all with whom you are arriving must have acquired the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the submission of original documents and biometric data and for signing the application you submitted.
You must pay a state levy for issuing a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be issued no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
The certificate is valid for 10 years.
If you submit a request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may choose to declare your place of residence:
- By arriving at the booked visit time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data next to the documents submitted in the request to additionally issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card;
- At the township or municipality within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card.
If you choose to declare your place of residence at the Migration Department, when submitting the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- You need to indicate the data about the place of residence in Lithuania when filling-out the request, you do not need to additionally fill-out the place of residence declaration.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents confirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate to the employee of the Migration Department the identification code given for the power of attorney.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Center of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may add one of the aforementioned documents in the section for additional documents “Valid Travel Document” (lith. Galiojantis kelionės dokumentas).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Center of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- After withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the withdrawing of the document you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence based on the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Center of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Center of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.
I am a citizen of an EU Member State with the right to restore Lithuanian citizenship or I am a person of Lithuanian descent or a family member of such person or another person
If you have the right to reinstate citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania according to the procedure established by the Republic of Lithuania Law on Citizenship or you are a person of Lithuanian descent, you may acquire the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.
Persons who have had citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940 and their descendants who have not acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania have an indefinite right to reinstate the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, regardless of the country in which they reside – in the Republic of Lithuania or another state. Descendant of a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania means a child, grandchild or great-grandchild of a person who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940.
Person of Lithuanian descent means a person whose parents or grandparents or one of the parents or grandparents are or were Lithuanians and who considers himself Lithuanian and declares it by written statement.
You must obtain a certificate of the right of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania and declare your place of residence.
You have to submit your application and documents for the issue of the certificate in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
An application of the EU citizen staying in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch himself due to a physical disability, may be filled in and submitted by his authorised person upon submission of the power of attorney notarised or certified in the equivalent form, and his or her identity document.
The identity and signature of an EU citizen situated in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch due to incapacity or physical disability must be certified and his/her biometric data must be read by an authorised public servant or employee of the department working according to the employment contract, upon arrival to the EU citizen.
Application of a legally incapable EU citizen is completed and filed by his/her guardian (custodian) or another legal representative upon submitting the document certifying appointment as a guardian (custodian) or other document certifying legal representation and his/her identity document.
You must submit:
- valid travel document;
- documents certifying the basis for issuing the certificate:
- documents confirming that You have had the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940, or you are a person of Lithuanian descent; or
- documents confirming the kinship with a person who had citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940 if you are a descendant of this person (for example, Your birth certificate, your father's birth certificate, and the documents confirming grandfather's citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania until 15 June 1940);
- documents evidencing the change of name or surname where such personal data have been changed.
- If you are a family member of an EU citizen with the right to reinstate citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania or a family member or the person of Lithuanian descent or other person:
- marriage document or registered partnership agreement (e.g., marriage certificate); or
- documents confirming that you are a direct descendant of a EU citizen, his spouse or a person with whom a registered partnership agreement has been concluded, who has not reached the age of 21 or are a dependent child, and the documents supporting the maintenance (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation); or
- documents confirming that you are a dependent relative of the EU citizen or a spouse of the EU citizen with whom the use citizen has concluded a registered partnership agreement, i.e. parent, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc., and the documents supporting the dependency (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation); or
- documents confirming that you are a cohabitant with whom an EU citizen has a regular relationship for the past 3 years (e.g., joint housing lease or home rental agreement, birth certificates, etc.); or
- documents confirming that you are a dependent of an EU citizen (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation); or
- documents confirming that you manage a common household with an EU citizen (e.g., joint housing lease or home rental agreement, etc.); or
- documents confirming that For serious health reasons, you necessarily require personal care of an EU citizen (e.g., medical institution certificate).
- free form application of the EU citizen for the issue of a certificate to you.
Citizenship held by the person before 15 June 1940 is confirmed by:
- Internal or foreign passports of the Republic of Lithuania issued before 15 June 1940;
- Foreign passports of the Republic of Lithuania issued by diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania after 15 June 1940;
- documents attesting to the person’s service in the Lithuanian armed forces or employment in the civil service;
- birth certificates or other documents directly mentioning the possession of the RL citizenship;
- personal certificates issued before 15 June 1940 in Lithuania or personal certificates issued on the basis of the documents issued before 15 June 1940;
- documents about studies, work, life in Lithuania till 15 June 1940, as well as foreign country passport and other documents.
Lithuanian descent shall be certified by documents indicating that both or one of the parents or grandparents of a person are or were Lithuanians, as well as a person’s written statement whereby he declares that he considers himself Lithuanian (e.g., Your birth certificate stating that your father is Lithuanian).
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the submission of original documents and biometric data and for signing the application you submitted.
You must pay a state levy for issuing a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be issued no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
Documents are not required in case you have been granted the certificate on the preservation of the right to the RL citizenship, certificate confirming the right to reinstate the RL citizenship or the certificate confirming the Lithuanian descent or if the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior has made a decision on the preservation of the right to the RL citizenship or to issue a certificate confirming the right to reinstate the RL citizenship, or a certificate confirming the right of Lithuanian descent.
Documents issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian language and certified by an interpreter. If documents, confirming marriage, divorce, death of the sponsor, birth certificate, proof of health insurance or bank statement are required, these may be given in the original English language or may be translated from other language to English and certified by an interpreter. At the request of an authorized employee of the Migration department, a foreigner must submit translations of these documents into Lithuanian, certified by an interpreter.
Documents issued by foreign states must be legalized or certified by certificate (Apostille) in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, except for the cases provided for by the international treaties or legal acts of the European Union where documents do not need to be legalized or approved by certificate (Apostille).
The certificate is valid for 10 years.
If you submit a request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may choose to declare your place of residence:
- By arriving at the booked visit time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data next to the documents submitted in the request to additionally issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card;
- At the township or municipality within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card.
If you choose to declare your place of residence at the Migration Department, when submitting the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- You need to indicate the data about the place of residence in Lithuania when filling-out the request, you do not need to additionally fill-out the place of residence declaration.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents confirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate to the employee of the Migration Department the identification code given for the power of attorney.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Center of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may add one of the aforementioned documents in the section for additional documents “Valid Travel Document” (lith. Galiojantis kelionės dokumentas).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Center of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- After withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the withdrawing of the document you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence based on the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Center of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Center of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.
I am a citizen of an EU Member State, a family member of a Lithuanian citizen who has come to live in Lithuania with him
You must obtain a certificate of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania and declare your place of residence.
You have to submit your application and documents for the issue of the certificate in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
An application of the EU citizen staying in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch himself due to a physical disability, may be filled in and submitted by his authorised person upon submission of the power of attorney notarised or certified in the equivalent form, and his or her identity document.
The identity and signature of an EU citizen situated in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch due to incapacity or physical disability must be certified and his/her biometric data must be read by an authorised public servant or employee of the department working according to the employment contract, upon arrival to the EU citizen.
Application of a legally incapable EU citizen is completed and filed by his/her guardian (custodian) or another legal representative upon submitting the document certifying appointment as a guardian (custodian) or other document certifying legal representation and his/her identity document.
What documents and where should I submit in order to get a certificate?
You must submit:
- valid travel document;
- documents certifying the basis for issuing the certificate:
- a document certifying marriage or a registered partnership agreement with an RL citizen (e.g., marriage certificate); or
- documents confirming that you are a direct descendant of a RL citizen, or the spouse of the RL citizen, or a person with whom a registered partnership agreement has been concluded, who has not reached the age of 21 or are a dependent child, and the documents supporting the maintenance (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation); or
- documents confirming that you are a dependent relative of the RL citizen or a spouse of the RL citizen with whom the citizen of the EU or the RL has concluded a registered partnership agreement, i.e. parent, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc., and the documents supporting the dependency (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation);
- A free-form application to issue a certificate of the Lithuanian citizen;
- a document certifying that A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania has exercised the right to free movement within the EU.
A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who has exercised the right to free movement of persons under EU law is considered an EU citizen. In order for a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania to be considered to have exercised his right to free movement of persons, he must have lived in another EU Member State for some time after 1 May 2004.
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the change of original documents and biometric data and for signing the application you submitted.
You must pay a state levy for issuing a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be issued no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
The certificate is valid for 10 years.
Documents issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian language and certified by an interpreter. If documents, confirming marriage, divorce, death of the sponsor, birth certificate, proof of health insurance or bank statement are required, these may be given in the original English language or may be translated from other language to English and certified by an interpreter. At the request of an authorized employee of the Migration department, a foreigner must submit translations of these documents into Lithuanian, certified by an interpreter.
Documents issued by foreign states must be legalized or certified by certificate (Apostille) in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, except for the cases provided for by the international treaties or legal acts of the European Union where documents do not need to be legalized or approved by certificate (Apostille).
If you submit a request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may choose to declare your place of residence:
- By arriving at the booked visit time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data next to the documents submitted in the request to additionally issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card;
- At the township or municipality within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card.
If you choose to declare your place of residence at the Migration Department, when submitting the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- You need to indicate the data about the place of residence in Lithuania when filling-out the request, you do not need to additionally fill-out the place of residence declaration.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents confirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate to the employee of the Migration Department the identification code given for the power of attorney.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Center of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may add one of the aforementioned documents in the section for additional documents “Valid Travel Document” (lith. Galiojantis kelionės dokumentas).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Center of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- After withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the withdrawing of the document you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence based on the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Center of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Center of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.
I am a family member of a person who has acquired the right of permanent residence in Lithuania before the expiry of 5 years or I am a family member of a deceased citizen of the EU Member State who has lived for 2 years or deceased as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease and has lived in Lithuania for less than 5 years.
You can acquire the right of permanent residence in Lithuania before the 5-year period has elapsed if your family member being a citizen of an EU Member State:
- has acquired the right to permanent residence in Lithuania before the 5-year period has elapsed;
- has died after 2 years of living in Lithuania (you have been living in Lithuania together with a citizen of an EU member state);
- has died as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease (you have been living in Lithuania together with a citizen of an EU member state).
You must obtain a certificate of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania and declare your place of residence if you have not declared it.
You have to submit your application and documents for the issue of the certificate in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
An application of the EU citizen staying in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch himself due to a physical disability, may be filled in and submitted by his authorised person upon submission of the power of attorney notarised or certified in the equivalent form, and his or her identity document.
The identity and signature of an EU citizen situated in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch due to incapacity or physical disability must be certified and his/her biometric data must be read by an authorised public servant or employee of the department working according to the employment contract, upon arrival to the EU citizen.
Application of a legally incapable EU citizen is completed and filed by his/her guardian (custodian) or another legal representative upon submitting the document certifying appointment as a guardian (custodian) or other document certifying legal representation and his/her identity document.
You must submit:
- valid travel document;
- documents certifying the basis for issuing the certificate:
- a document certifying marriage or a registered partnership agreement with an EU citizen (e.g., marriage certificate); or
- documents confirming that you are a direct descendant of a spouse of the EU citizen, or a person with whom a registered partnership agreement has been concluded by the EU citizen, who has not reached the age of 21 or are a dependent child, and the documents supporting the maintenance (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation); or
- documents confirming that you are a dependent relative of the EU citizen or a spouse of the EU citizen with whom the use citizen has concluded a registered partnership agreement, i.e. parent, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc., and the documents supporting the dependency (e.g., statements of bank orders, explanation);
- A free form application for the issue of a certificate drawn up by an EU citizen who has acquired the right for permanent residence in Lithuania before the expiry of 5 years; or
- a document certifying that Your family member, an EU citizen, deceased if such data are not available in the Population Register;
- an employment contract or other documents confirming that a member of your family, an EU citizen, has deceased while being employed or self-employed person;
- documents certifying that Your family member, an EU citizen, has lived in Lithuania for 2 years without interruption as an employee or self-employed person; or
- documents certifying that An EU citizen deceased as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease.
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the submission of original documents and biometric data.
You must pay a state levy for issuing a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be issued no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
The certificate is valid for 10 years.
Documents issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian language and certified by an interpreter. If documents, confirming marriage, divorce, death of the sponsor, birth certificate, proof of health insurance or bank statement are required, these may be given in the original English language or may be translated from other language to English and certified by an interpreter. At the request of an authorized employee of the Migration department, a foreigner must submit translations of these documents into Lithuanian, certified by an interpreter.
Documents issued by foreign states must be legalized or certified by certificate (Apostille) in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, except for the cases provided for by the international treaties or legal acts of the European Union where documents do not need to be legalized or approved by certificate (Apostille).
If you submit a request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may choose to declare your place of residence:
- By arriving at the booked visit time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data next to the documents submitted in the request to additionally issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card;
- At the township or municipality within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card.
If you choose to declare your place of residence at the Migration Department, when submitting the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- You need to indicate the data about the place of residence in Lithuania when filling-out the request, you do not need to additionally fill-out the place of residence declaration.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents confirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate to the employee of the Migration Department the identification code given for the power of attorney.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Center of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may add one of the aforementioned documents in the section for additional documents “Valid Travel Document” (lith. Galiojantis kelionės dokumentas).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Center of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- After withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the withdrawing of the document you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence based on the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Center of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Center of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.
I want to change my permanent residence certificate because my personal data have changed, it become unusable, lost, or contains inaccurate entries.
If your personal data have changed, your existing certificate has become unusable, contains inaccurate entries, or you have lost your certificate, you must apply for a renewal of this document.
You have to submit your application and documents for the change of the certificate in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
An application of the EU citizen staying in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch himself due to a physical disability, may be filled in and submitted by his authorised person upon submission of the power of attorney notarised or certified in the equivalent form, and his or her identity document.
The identity and signature of an EU citizen situated in the Republic of Lithuania who is unable to come to the branch due to incapacity or physical disability must be certified and his/her biometric data must be read by an authorised public servant or employee of the department working according to the employment contract, upon arrival to the EU citizen.
Application of a legally incapable EU citizen is completed and filed by his/her guardian (custodian) or another legal representative upon submitting the document certifying appointment as a guardian (custodian) or other document certifying legal representation and his/her identity document.
You must submit:
- valid travel document;
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the submission of original documents and biometric data and for signing the application you submitted.
You must pay a state levy for the change of a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be changed no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the changed certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
A certificate of a minor under the age of 16 who does not have full civil capacity, an EU citizen who has been placed under guardianship or custody, is collected by one of the appearance upon submitting his/her identity document, or by a guardian (custodian) or other legal representative according to the laws, upon submitting a document confirming the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the personal identity document.
The certificate is valid for 10 years.
I have a certificate attesting the permanent residence in Lithuania, and a child was born to me during my stay in Lithuania.
If a child has been born during your period of residence in the Republic of Lithuania, you must apply for a document confirming his/her right to reside in the Republic of Lithuania not later than 6 months after your child's birth, regardless of the place of his/her birth.
Your child, if he/she is a citizen of an EU Member State, must obtain a certificate of permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania, i.e. the child is issued the same document as that of both parents or one of them.
You have to submit your application and documents for the issue of the certificate for a child in person through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (hereinafter MIGRIS). Within 4 months from the date of submission of the application and the documents within the MIGRIS, you must personally come to the chosen branch of the Migration Department and submit the original documents, biometric data (only the image of a child’s face is scanned if he arrives together) and sign the application.
Applications for EU citizens up to 16 years are be completed and submitted by one of the parents (adoptive parents) (hereinafter the parents) upon submitting identity document, or guardian (caregiver) or other legal representative, upon submitting the document certifying the guardianship (custody) or other legal representation, and the identity document.
You must submit:
- your valid travel document;
- valid travel document of the child;
- a document certifying that the child you are applying for is your child, if such data are not available in the Population Register;
two identical photos (from the same photo negative) corresponding to the child's age, 40 x 60 mm (clearly identify the child's name on the other side) if the child is not present upon submission of application.
You must apply to the chosen branch of the Migration Department for the submission of original documents and biometric data and for signing the application you submitted.
You must pay a state levy for issuing a certificate – EUR 10 (payment code 5740).
By submitting an application, you can also submit a payment order of the paid state levy with bank identification, or a receipt.
Attention: if the state levy has been paid for you by another person, an extended form of payment order must be provided, indicating your full name and personal code or date of birth, with the bank's mark.
The certificate must be issued no later than one month from the date of submission of the application.
You can withdraw the certificate at the branch of the Migration Department specified in the application. You may do so by yourself or by an authorised person upon submitting a power of attorney, notarised or verified according to equivalent procedure, and the identity document.
Powers of attorney verified by a notary shall be equalled to:
- powers of attorney of servicemen verified by the commanders (heads)of military units, formations, military institutions and military schools;
- powers of attorney of people in imprisonment institutions verified by the heads of imprisonment institutions;
- powers of attorney of long voyage seamen on the ships, navigating under the colours of Lithuania, verified by the captains of the said ships.
The certificate is issued for the period of validity of a document issued to one of the parents of the child.
Documents issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian language and certified by an interpreter. If documents, confirming marriage, divorce, death of the sponsor, birth certificate, proof of health insurance or bank statement are required, these may be given in the original English language or may be translated from other language to English and certified by an interpreter. At the request of an authorized employee of the Migration department, a foreigner must submit translations of these documents into Lithuanian, certified by an interpreter.
Documents issued by foreign states must be legalized or certified by certificate (Apostille) in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, except for the cases provided for by the international treaties or legal acts of the European Union where documents do not need to be legalized or approved by certificate (Apostille).
If you submit a request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may choose to declare your place of residence:
- By arriving at the booked visit time at the Migration Department in order to submit the original documents and biometric data next to the documents submitted in the request to additionally issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card;
- At the township or municipality within 1 month from the day of withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card.
If you choose to declare your place of residence at the Migration Department, when submitting the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- You need to indicate the data about the place of residence in Lithuania when filling-out the request, you do not need to additionally fill-out the place of residence declaration.
- When you fill-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card via ‘MIGRIS’, you must add documents confirming your right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. This can be:
- The consent of the owner, co-owner or their authorized representative of the dwelling to live in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owners). The consent of the owner (co-owner) must be confirmed by the notary or elder.
If non-confirmed consent of the owner (co-owner) is submitted, the owner (co-owner) must arrive at the Migration Department with you at the booked visitation time - the employee of the Migration Department accepting your request will confirm the consent of the owner (co-owner).
If the personal identification number has been given to the alien, for whom someone commits, in the Republic of Lithuania consent may be concluded via www.igalojimai.lt. By choosing this method, in the description of the power of attorney service, the owner (co-owner) shall indicate that they agree to allow to settle-in and declare the place of residence in the dwelling belonging to the owner (co-owner) based on the right of ownership, by indicating the address of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to indicate to the employee of the Migration Department the identification code given for the power of attorney.
The Form of Consent to Settle-In at the Dwelling Belonging to the Owner (Co-Owner).
- Lease or loan-for-use agreement is concluded with the natural person or legal entity. The agreement need not be notarized or registered at SE “Center of Registers”;
- Letter issued by the legal entity confirming the right to settle-in the premises belonging to the legal entity or the document confirming about the accommodation at the hotel, or the granted hostel.
When filling-out the request to issue the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card, you may add one of the aforementioned documents in the section for additional documents “Valid Travel Document” (lith. Galiojantis kelionės dokumentas).
You may also submit the aforementioned documents upon arriving at the Migration Department at the booked visitation time in order to submit to the request the biometric data and original documents.
If the dwelling belongs to you on the right of ownership or the lease, or loan-for-use agreement concluded with the natural person or legal entity is registered in the SE “Center of Registers”, you need not submit the documents confirming these circumstances to the Migration Department.
If you choose to declare to declare your place of residence in the township after withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card:
- After withdrawing the right of residence certificate or EU citizen family member’s residence permit card at the Migration Department, within 1 month from the withdrawing of the document you will have to go to the township and declare your place of residence based on the procedure determined by the Director of SE “Center of Registers”.
You may find more about place of residence declaration on the SE “Center of Registers” website: http://info.registrucentras.lt.
Administrative liability may be applied for non-adherence to the requirement to declare your place of residence in Lithuania.