1 279 rezultatų pagal e-resident

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authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

12 months or in an EU country for less than 6 years, has not acquired long-term resident...European Union or another document confirming that he has not acquired long-term...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...of an foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

agreement has been issued, holding a temporary residence permit issued as a long-term resident...already been concluded in the country where the foreigner has acquired...

12 months or in an EU country for less than 6 years, has not acquired long-term resident...European Union or another document confirming that he has not acquired long-term...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

Për qëllimin e kësaj fletë-palosjeje, ne po i quajmë këto 32 vende ‘vendet e Dublinit...E gjithë kohëzgjatja...

tuaj ose nëse një vend tjetër është përgjegjës – ne këtë e quajmë ‘procedura e...Në faqen 3 gjendet një hartë e këtij...

gishtave e quajtur “Eurodac”....Eurodac operohet nga një Agjensi e Bashkimit Europian e quajtur eu-LISA....për Mbrojtjen...

I diritti e gli obblighi per gli Stati e per le persone ai sensi della procedura...e sull‘assistenza fornita ai...

1 Shenjat e gishtave dhe Eurodac Informacion për shtetasit e vendeve të treta...Eurodac operohet nga një Agjensi e...

foreigner holding a temporary residence permit which was issued regarding the long-term resident...member of the family in the country where the foreigner has acquired...

is an adult foreigner who has a temporary residence permit issued as a long-term resident...that foreigner is retained in the country where foreigner has acquired long-term...

Os direitos e as obrigações dos Estados e das pessoas no âmbito do procedimento...saudável, de que dispões de alimentos...

Service of visitors in Migration department will be changed

by Police department’s information telephone number 8 700 60000 or via e-mail

1 Informazioni per i cittadini di paesi terzi e gli apolidi fermati in relazione...ed Eurodac IT © iStockphoto / janp013 2 Se avete almeno 14 anni di età...

legge definisce la vostra una “domanda/richiesta di protezione internazionale” e...I diritti e gli obblighi per gli Stati...

Collection of documents and visas issued to foreigners - only by preliminary appointments

related to collection of documents issued or exchanged for foreigners i. e.

o artigo 29.º, n.º 3, do Regulamento (UE) n.º 603/2013 Impressões digitais e...Eurodac PT © iStockphoto / janp013 2 Se tem 14  anos ou mais...

1 Impronte digitali ed Eurodac Informazioni per cittadini di paesi terzi e...un “paese Dublino” 1), le autorità possono rilevare le vostre impronte digitali...

Os direitos e as obrigações dos Estados e das pessoas no âmbito do procedimento...PT ), Roménia (RO), Eslováquia (SK), Eslovénia (SI), Espanha...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

1 Impressões digitais e Eurodac Informações destinadas aos nacionais de países...país de «Dublim» 1), as autoridades poderão recolher as suas impressões digitais...

protezione internazionale (asilo) in questo paese o in un altro paese Dublino e...I diritti e gli obblighi per gli Stati...

2 The alien has acquired the long-term resident status in another EU Member State

2 The alien has acquired the long-term resident status in another EU Member State

Applications for the acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania will be submitted electronically

Starting from the 1st of September Migration Department will introduce new electronic services related to the acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania.

pedido de proteção internacional (asilo) neste país ou noutro país de Dublim e...Os direitos e as obrigações dos Estados...