1 279 rezultatų pagal e-resident

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Ieškos rezultatai

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

12 months or in an EU country for less than 6 years, has not acquired long-term resident...European Union or another document confirming that he has not acquired long-term...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...of an foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

agreement has been issued, holding a temporary residence permit issued as a long-term resident...already been concluded in the country where the foreigner has acquired...

12 months or in an EU country for less than 6 years, has not acquired long-term resident...European Union or another document confirming that he has not acquired long-term...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

If the state, where the applicant is legally resident, there is no Lithuanian visa...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be legally...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

authority or external service provider in the country where the applicant is legally resident...behalf of foreigner serving documents to a visa office in Lithuania must be...

Për qëllimin e kësaj fletë-palosjeje, ne po i quajmë këto 32 vende ‘vendet e Dublinit...E gjithë kohëzgjatja...

tuaj ose nëse një vend tjetër është përgjegjës – ne këtë e quajmë ‘procedura e...Në faqen 3 gjendet një hartë e këtij...