Become e-resident! Apply from 21st June 2021

Migration Department informs that from 21st June 2021 foreigners wishing to make use of the electronic administrative, public or commercial services provided in Lithuania will be able to apply for e-resident status and receive e-resident card with an electronic identification certificate and a qualified electronic signature certificate.
“In future, e-resident card will allow foreigners to make use the same electronic services as those currently used by Lithuanian citizens. I am glad that together with the Information Society Development Committee we are opening these doors of opportunities for electronic activities and creation to foreigners in Lithuania,” says Evelina Gudzinskaitė, Director of the Migration Department.
The first e-services offered to e-residents are the possibility of connection to the Electronic Government Gateway and signing of documents by e-signature, as well as connection to the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) through the Electronic Government Gateway. The range of services provided to e-residents will be gradually expanded to enable digital possibilities of developing business relations, company establishment and management, performing of financial operations as well as access to other services relevant to foreigners.
E-applications will be submitted through MIGRIS at Decision on granting of e-resident status will be taken immediately after foreigner’s physical arrival to the Migration Department (in Lithuania). During the visit e-resident card will be ordered (the card will be produced within 5 days). Currently, collection of the card will be available only at the territorial branches of the Migration Department in Lithuania. In 2022 it is planned to make the e-resident service available also to the foreigners living abroad.
More information can be found here.